Membro della SCNAT

La SSPT promuove e sostiene gli interessi della farmacologia e della tossicologia in Svizzera. Organizza convegni scientifici e rappresenta i suoi membri nelle associazioni nazionali.

Immagine: Naturmotive –

Scientific Activities

  • Organization of scientific meetings of general interest for the member societies
  • Orientation of the members of upcoming events of pharmacological and toxicological interest
  • Contact with LS2, SCNAT
  • Active participation in annual meetings of Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2)


  • Travel grants for young scientists supporting travel to scientific meetings: Regulations (download from here); Application form (download from here) (whenever possible please send your application electronically)
  • Travel grants for post-graduates in Biomedical Sciences in training: Regulations (download from here); Application form (download from here)(whenever possible please send your application electronically)